School Attendance and Transition

Education Welfare Ltd has a proven track record of improving school attendance.

Absence from school undoubtedly has a detrimental effect on a pupil’s progress and attainment and, in our experience, it is often at the school level – rather than the Local Authority level – that the biggest influence can be brought to bear on levels of attendance.


Clear expectations of parents and pupils upon entering mainstream school is paramount to underpinning and establishing good attendance behaviours at school, allowing pupils to engage in their education and reach and fulfil their potential while maximising their future employment prospects.

We can provide transitional support to parents and their children at key times, such as when moving from nursery to primary or from primary to secondary education.

We can also provide focused work with Year 10 and 11 pupils, as well as for those who are at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training).